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June - Scouting Magazine


An Epic Canoe Adventure: Four Scouts on the Hiwassee River Gorge, Wooden Canoe, October 2000 (Jack Wright, Bill Workman, James Irvine, Luke Lea, George Stuart, Sinclair Ashley)


First Silver Beavers


The first presentations of the Silver Beaver—the highest award given on the council level to an adult Scouter—were awarded to five Chattanooga citizens on January 21, 1932. The ceremony took place at Patten Chapel at the University of Chattanooga, in the presence of about 500 Boy Scouts, their families and friends. Those honored were W.H. Sears, R.T. Faucette, Bernard E. Loveman, Capt. H.F. Wenning and W.H. Bauer, all of whom have served for years on the local council and some of them on the national council and in other outstanding capacities. All were present to receive the honor except Mr. Loveman.


This was the first year the Silver Beaver was awarded in Chattanooga, due to 1931 being the first year of this award throughout the United States. The Chattanooga Council was allowed five awards because of the age of our Council, which was seventeen years old, but in future years only one Silver Beaver was permitted each year. The guard of honor for the citizens receiving the Silver Beaver award was composed of Life Scouts Harmon Smith of Troop 20, and Walter Johnston of Troop 53. The address of the evening was delivered by Willis A. Sutton, superintendent of the Atlanta Schools, member of the Atlanta Council, and member of the National Council, Boy Scouts of America.


E. Urner Goodman Presents Eagle Badges


Twelve Scouts and four Scout leaders were presented their Eagle badges at ceremonies at Patten Chapel, University of Chattanooga on September 25, 1932.  The presentation as made by E. Urner Goodman, national staff member and founder of the Order of the Arrow.  This was, at that time, the largest group of Eagles to be recognized at one time in the history of the Chattanooga Council.  (Scout leaders could earn the Eagle rank until the 1950s.)


E. Urner Goodman first became involved in Boy Scouting in 1911 at age 20, while studying for his degree in Education.  This was as a volunteer Scoutmaster of Troop 1, the first Scout troop in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In his four years as Scoutmaster, the troop grew to more than 100 Scouts.  In April 1915, he entered full-time professional service in Boy Scouting as a field executive, serving that summer as director of the Philadelphia Scout Council’s summer camp.  This is where he and Carroll A. Edson began an Honor Camper Society that became the Order of the Arrow.  He was then promoted in December 1917 to Scout executive of the Philadelphia Council.


On April 1, 1931, Goodman was named national program director of the BSA by Chief Scout Executive James E. West, as part of an organizational restructuring. As national program director, he was responsible for professional and volunteer training, relations with sponsoring organizations, public relations, and program development.  Not only was Goodman one of the founders of the Order of the Arrow, the Cub Scouting and Exploring programs were established under his leadership.



May 27, 1932 - The University Echo (reporting that fraternity Delta Chi's houseparty would be held "at Ocoee this year in the Boy Scout Camp." -- It is unknown which camp this refers to.)

1932-08-30 - Scouts Ask Chest to Pay Insurance
1932-09-10 - Eagle Badges Will be Given 16 Scouts Here
1932-09-10 - Scouting Program Launched at Meet

1932-09-25 - Photo of 1932 Eagle Scouts with E Urner Goodman
October 9, 1932 Article about the Activities of the Boy Scouts of Chattanooga


1933 Sustaining Membership Flyer

1933-03-19 - Elbert Spriggs Wins Scout Key

1933-05-09 - John Vass - Experiences of an Eagle Scout

1933-08-07 - LC Vass Indorses Scouting

1933-10-21 - Joe Haskell Princetonian Med


United Confederate Veterans' Reunion


The United Confederate veterans' reunion was held June 6-8 in Chattanooga.  They camped at Warner Park at what was called Camp Robert E. Lee.  The Council anticipated needing 800 Boy Scouts to assist with the event.


Firm hands and sure steps of young, khaki-clad Boy Scouts helped ease the way for aged Confederate veterans who attended their 1934 Reunion in Chattanooga in June. At Camp Lee, in the old Montgomery Ward building, 9th and Market, and Camp Lee annex in the YMCA building, more than 650 Boy Scouts and their white-uniformed colleagues—Sea Scouts—were ready to render service to the veterans. They gave their services helping the veterans as guides, in first-aid attentions, registration, and scores of other "good turns." The scouts were eagerly on duty from 5 am throughout the entire day and as long as they were needed at night.


An article in the Chattanooga News stated that "it is a familiar sight to see a proud veteran, wearing the cherished uniform of the Confederacy for which he fought, walking on the streets of Chattanooga, courteously escorted by one or more young scouts. The colored Boy Scouts, in the charge of James L. Jenkins (scout professional) are also are doing their part. They have headquarters at 314 East Ninth Street and are assisting the old colored visitors to the reunion. For the first time in years, the reunion was held without the death of a single veteran marring the occasion. The careful attention given them by the Boy Scouts was, we believe, directly responsible for the good record this year."


During the reunion of the United Confederate Veterans, four first-aid stations and one field hospital were maintained.  At each position a doctor, trained nurse, and two Boy Scouts were on duty day and night.


BSA President Head Visits Chattanooga


In 1934, the President of the Boy Scouts of America National Council, Walter W. Head, came to Chattanooga to participate in Boy Week. The youth of Chattanooga’s preparatory schools, high schools, and junior high schools—several thousand strong—honored Mr. Head in patriotic exercises at Chamberlain Field Stadium. In an address President Head declared, "Our principal purpose in seeking an education is not to serve ourselves, but to prepare for assuming the responsibilities of citizenship and help make lives around us happy and worthwhile. If you overlook the opportunity to prepare for life, you are fooling nobody but yourselves." Preceding the address by Mr. Head, the national colors were presented in front of the stadium by an escort from the ROTC units of the city and the entire throng stood at attention while the Chattanooga High School band played the "Star Spangled Banner."



1934-03-06 - Scouts Seek New Members
1934-04-15 - Confederate Veterans Reunion
1934-05-24 - Boy Scouts will Camp at Park During Reunion
1934-05-29 - Donations of Flowers Needed for Cemetery
1934-06-03 - Reunion's Camp Will be Set Up by Crew Today
1934-06-06 - Here for Confederate Reunion
1934-06-07 - Nashville Veteran Arrives
1934-06-08 - Firm Hands of Boy Scouts Big Aid to Old Heroes and Reunion Guests
1934-06-08 - Service of Boy Scouts
1934-06-09 - Veterans End Reunion Here, Return Home
1934-06-11 - Manly Little Fellows
1934-06-13 - Would Make Fowle Scouts' President

The American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 34, No.9 (Sept., 1934), pp. 925-931
1934-11-16 - Boy Scout Leader Sets Goal at 2000 Members

1934 - Aug 24 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter



1935 Scout Expo


Chattanooga Scouts invited the public to witness "The Scouting Trail to Citizenship," a series of presentations in tableaux and pantomime, showing the evolution of Scouting from the Stone Age down to the present period—1935. Covering every phase of Scout activity and interest of boys, the Boy Scout 25th Anniversary Exposition was a revelation to the public in illustrating the great part Scouting is taking in building better citizens. The call to the public said, "If you are interested in the future manhood of America, and if you are interested in boys, don’t fail to attend this greatest of all Scout Expositions ever held in Chattanooga."

Chattanooga scouts represented boys of the Stone Age, the Crusaders period, Indian lads, and the Early American pioneer boy engaged in playing games of their time. Also, highlighted were present day youth (1935) in unorganized state playing their favorite games, along with an organized Scout troop presenting their program. Demonstrations occurred in the evolution of signaling, wall scaling, pyramid building, erection of tents and equipment used in outdoor Scouting, and a gigantic display of pioneering—including the construction of a pioneer village.

A grand climax highlighted the night, in which 1,200 Scout participated in a show with Uncle Sam played by Estes Kefauver and Miss Columbia played by Mrs. James F. Finlay as they presented the "embryo citizen trained in Scouting and citizenship" to the community. The newspaper reported this to be "an exposition cram-full of interest and the vitality of youth, and showing what modern Scouting is contributing to the making of better citizens for America! Admission for the event was 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. Interestingly, Estes Kefauver later became a US Senator from Tennessee and, in 1956, was Adlai Stevenson’s Democratic running mate for the President and Vice President ticket.


Admiral Byrd Visits Chattanooga Sea Scouts


As Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, flyer, explorer, and scientist, stepped from the train at the Terminal Station on Tuesday, November 12, 1935, a group of Chattanooga Sea Scouts lined each side of the steps. They greeted and shook hands with Admiral Byrd who was scheduled to speak twice at the Memorial Auditorium about his adventures. Also there to greet the admiral were Chattanooga Mayor Bass and a group from the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The Chattanooga Sea Scouts offered their skills and services during Admiral Byrd’s visit.

In 1928, Byrd began his first expedition to the continent of Antarctic involving two ships, and three airplanes. A 19-year-old Boy Scout, Paul Allman Siple, was chosen to accompany the expedition. Admiral Byrd lectures in Chattanooga dealt with the scientific discoveries and adventurous experiences of his second Antarctic expedition in 1934. He brought more than 9,000 feet of film to illustrate his talks. The Chattanooga Times described him as "lean, of medium height, and with curly gray hair, Admiral Byrd has the quick easy movements of a man of action. In his room at the Read House, he relaxed comfortably and smoked a cigarette. Despite all the physical hardships he has endured, he talked of his explorations as though he remembered each experience with pleasure. His manner was very free and cordial."


During his lecture, Admiral Byrd said, "What was very surprising—truly astonishing, was the discovery we made on our last expedition that when we melted some ice in a frozen lake, we found living organisms. They had been frozen deal for an unknown number of years and then came to live when the ice was melted. It indicates how tenacious life is. If an ice age should cover the whole world, there would still be life." During his lonely, five-month vigil at the Advance Base in Antarctica, Admiral Byrd said his principal job was the reading of scientific instruments—like a regular weather station. He added that he read about 100 books—novels, biographies, adventure stories, and philosophic works.



1935-02-10 - Boy Scout Exposition

February 10 - Scout Exposition to be Impressive

February 13 - Uncle Sam and Miss Columbia
February 13 - Boy Scout Exposition
February 13 - Scouting

1935 Boy Scout Exposition Program

November 29 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter
December 1 - First Boy Scouts in Chattanooga

December 6 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter

December 13 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter



August T. Cahoon Certificate - Troop 30

1936-01-18 - Sea Scouts Win Quartermaster Rank

January 10 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter
January 24 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter
January 31 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter
February 7 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter
February 14 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter

March 6 - Article about Norton Bailey Crane
September 25 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter
November 27 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter
December 6 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter



February 29 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter

June 14 - Letter from Charles Peacock to Jamboree Scouts

1937-07-18 - Annual Swimming Meet at Lake Winnepesaukah

October 8 - The University Echo (article about William G. Agnew (Billy Agnew), Eagle Scout)

October 22 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter

October 29 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter

November 12 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter

November 19 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter

November 26 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter

December 3 - Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter



Sam Morris
Sam Morris ID Card

February (undated) - Scoutabout Troop 2 Newsletter

February 18 - Scoutabout Troop 2 Newsletter

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