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The Olympia, London, England


Star Scout Joe Haskell, of Troop 1, and Robert Sims (St. Elmo) from Troop 19, were selected to represent the Chattanooga Council at the 1920 World Jamboree at no expense to themselves.  They were selected to participate based on merit, a practice many Councils participated in, so that only Scouting’s best would be present.

The Scouts received a brand-new uniform of the latest design and complete new equipment.  Haskell, a fifteen-year-old freshman at Chattanooga High School, was the highest ranking Scout in the city because Eagle Scout Richard Savory (Savery) was in Michigan and Eagle Scout Paul Bush was in Mexico.

On June 30, 1920, Haskell and Sims left for New York, from where they sailed for England.  They joined the other American Scouts in New York on July 2, and travelled to Fort Hamilton where they were outfitted and trained, and then sailed on July 5 to England on the transport Pocahontas, which was furnished by the government without cost to the boys.

While in New York, the boys paraded up Fifth Avenue to Sheeps Meadow in Central Park with a fifty-five piece Boy Scout band from Denver in the lead. The drum major was only thirteen years old. The scouts passed in review before Col. Colin H. Livingstone, president of the Boy Scouts of America; Maj. Lorillard, chairman of the reception committee; and Borough President Henry H. Curran, who welcomed the boys to the city. Dr. John H. Finley, state commissioner of education, was also in the reviewing party.  Curran told the boys that he hoped America would never again have to prepare for war, but if that time came, it was these boys that one day might have to fight. With that end in mind, Curran said he knew the scouts would uphold the military and athletic traditions of the United States, urging them to ‘lick everybody’ they met in the competition at the Jamboree. The Scouts dined that evening at the Waldorf-Astoria.

The participation fee was $200, but Haskell’s fellow troop members at First Baptist Church donated his expenses. Of the nearly 310,000 Boy Scouts in America, Haskell and Sims were two of only 304 to participate in the Olympia, England Jamboree, which ran from July 30 to August 7, 1920.  The boys enjoyed the greatest Scouting event that had ever taken place, the first World Jamboree.


In September 1920, Haskell described to a local church group his visit to London and subsequent visits to the battlefields of France and Belgium.

June 30, 1920 - High Honor for Scout Haskell

July 2, 1920 - Two Local Scouts Leave for International Meet

July 26, 1920 - Boy Scouts in London En Route to Jamboree


Ermelunden, Denmark


Chattanooga was not represented at the 1924 World Scout Jamboree


1924-01-16 - Local Boy Scouts May Go to Jamboree


Arrowe Park in Upton, Merseyside, United Kingdom


On July 20, 1929, 237 Boy Scouts that departed New York for Birkenhead, England to participate in the World Jamboree. Among them were three scouts and one leader from Chattanooga—Billy Gauntlett of Troop 1, First Baptist Church; John Wallace Page of Troop 4, First Christian Church; John Sharp Vass of Troop 20, St. Elmo M. E. Church; and Elbert E. Spriggs,Scoutmaster of Troop 28 in Chattanooga. Several boys from other southern states traveled with the group.

After participating in the World Jamboree, in which boys of forty-three countries took part, the group visited London, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Paris. They then sailed from Havre, France on August 20th and arrived back in New York on August 28th. About 1,500 boys from the United States attended the Jamboree. The local scouts with the other southern scouts were given week long training at Camp Tsatanugi under the leadership of Scoutmaster Spriggs.


As the U.S. Boy Scouts were departing from New York, a group of 100 communist youth (many from Russia) staged a demonstration on the Cunard docks of the Hudson River, delaying the sailing of the liner, "Samaria" with the scouts, for about twenty minutes. The communists jeered at the Boy Scouts denouncing the scout movement as being "supported by the bosses to create cannon fodder." Several of the communist youth were arrested and their banners thrown into the river.

Local Scout Wallace Page wrote his parents while at the Jamboree and among other things said, "It is a great thing to be here with so many scouts. It’s a great brotherhood to be able to mix and sometimes speak with foreign scouts. I can hardly realize that I am here with 50,000 scouts. Today the Prince of Wales came into the American camp and he is now at the great stadium receiving some of the groups. The whole camp covers a five-mile square and the tents are close together. The Americans are very comfortably situated, we sleep on cots in large tents, but most of the other scouts sleep on the ground."


John Wallace Page, son of Thomas Page, joined the Coast Guard.  He had been both an Eagle Scout and a Sea Scout.


1929-06-23 - World Jamboree Scouts


GödöllÅ‘, Hungary


1933-05-09 - John Vass - Experiences of an Eagle Scout


Washington, D.C.


The 1935 National Jamboree was cancelled shortly before the event due to an outbreak of polio.


Thirty-two Scouts and five leaders were registered to attend.  Newspaper reports reflect the leadership as follows:  Carl D. Scheibe (Scoutmaster), Robert J. Hawk (Assistant Scoutmaster), Lee Allen Trotter (Assistant Scoutmaster), Walter C. Johnson, Jr. (Senior Patrol Leader), Woodville Park (Scribe), Bill Mills (Press Representative).  Signal Mountain Patrol: Hope Smith, Jr. (patrol leader), Sam Wesley (assistant patrol leader).  Moccasin Bend Patrol: Jerry Sprayberry (patrol leader), Earl P. Good (assistant patrol leader).  Missionary Ridge Patrol: Edward Bower (patrol leader), Arnold Cobb (assistant patrol leader).  Lookout Mountain Patrol: David Evans, Jr. (patrol leader), Wilson Norvell (assistant patrol leader).  Other who applied and may have been planning to attend included Byron Taylor, Dale Evans, Thomas Mitchell (Copperhill), Jimmie Abshire, Perry Bell, John Lee, and Charles Ward.  Newspaper reports also reflect that James L. Jenkins would serve as the scoutmaster of the Negro scouts from the Fifth region (all of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas).  "Negro scouts" who had registered included Ira Crawley, William Cross, and Andrew Locke.


1935-07-23 - Scouts and Leaders Who Will Attend Jamboree

1935-07-29 - Negro Scout News - Jamboree

1935-08-07 - Jerry Sprayberry Scout Leader


Bloemendaal, Netherlands


No information.


Washington, D.C.


A strong contingent of fifty-two Chattanooga Boy Scouts and leaders attended the first National Jamboree in Washington, D.C. from June 30 to July 9, 1937. Scout Executive Charles K. Peacock led the group along with Carl D. Scheibe, Scoutmaster of Troop 2 and Joe C. Wagner, Scoutmaster of Troop 60. One of the boys, fourteen year old Dan Thomas won his trip to the Jamboree by submitting the best essay to the Chattanooga Times. Scout Thomas wrote a daily news story for the Times while at the Jamboree. Here are some excerpts from his articles:


  • "From our tents we can see the Washington Monument in the distance and we are almost surrounded by the beautiful Potomac River.

  • "Assistant Scoutmaster Joe Wagner and Winford White, Jimmy Whitaker, John Harsch, Charles Niles, and Dicky Andrews finished our exhibit of model fires and it is ready for inspection."

  • "The troops that passed inspection were invited to see the Washington Senators play the Boston Red Sox at Griffith Stadium in the afternoon. Our scouts were among the lucky ones!"

  • "The Jamboree opened unofficially tonight with a campfire meeting. There we learned songs and yells to help promote the spirit of good fellowship among the boys."

  • "The Jamboree is on. It was opened officially at 9 o’clock this morning when bombs were fired at Washington’s monument. At the first bomb, scouts in their camps all over Washington came to attention. The second bomb two minutes later signaled the scouts to prepare their color guard. At the third bomb, which was heard all over Washington, 25,000 Boy Scouts stood at salute while our national colors were raised in the thirteen sectional camps at the Jamboree."

  • "The Chattanooga scouts enjoyed the trip (to Mount Vernon) very much and several took pictures of the house. We saw Washington’s sword and hunting horn. Of most interest was the bedroom where Washington died."

  • "Tonight we assembled for the first time at the huge arena at the foot of the Washington Monument. It was one of the biggest thrills a boy could have to be part of over 25,000 scouts assembled together at one time. Greetings were sent by President Roosevelt and Sir Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the World. Our own national president, Walter Head, and Chief Scout Executive James E. West greeting us."

  • "Today has been one long day of sight-seeing. This morning the scouts could go where the wanted to in the city. Small groups went to the Smithsonian Institution, the new National Museum, and the Library of Congress. This afternoon nearly the whole troop went to the zoo."

  • "Tonight we had another campfire meeting. Our guest of honor was Paul Siple who went to the South Pole with Byrd. Dick Frost from England spoke to us and gave us a message from Lord Baden-Powell. The meeting was a potlatch, and the troops invited boys from other countries."


One of the Chattanooga contingent leaders, Scoutmaster Carl D. Scheibe said the forty-three white scouts and nine Negro scouts who attended the Jamboree carried small rifle balls from Chickamauga Battlefield, Indian arrowheads, neckerchief slides, and other articles representative of Chattanooga to Washington to "swap" for horned toads from Texas, baby alligators from Florida, and seashells from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The most popular Washington institution with the scouts was the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) where their fingerprints were taken and place in the civilian files. J. Edgar Hover, FBI director, attended personally to the distribution of hundreds of souvenirs among the scouts. Scheibe said the most impressive moment of the Jamboree was on the night of June 30th when the entire delegation repeated the Scout Oath lead by National Scout Executive James E. West.


Adult attendees were:  Charles K. Peacock (Scout Executive), Carl D. Scheibe, Joe C. Wagner


Youth attendees were:  Dickie Andrews, Paul Barrett, Tom Caldwell, Martin Campbell, Franklin Emerson, William Coffey, Henry Erskine, Jr., Bill Ezell, Jim Glasscock, John Harsch, L.E. Harris, Jr., Robert Jewell, Jr., Kenneth Lankford, John Lee, Howard McBride, Clark McNaughton, David McNaughton, Fred Milligan, Tommy Mitchell, Charles F. Niles, Jr., Robert Nolan, Ben Powell, Sam Reeves, Jr., Bill Schultz, Hope Smith, Jr., Fred C. Stimmel, Jack Stutz, Dan Thomas, Clark Thornton, Guy Tribble, Gilbert Varnell, Charles A. Ward, Jr., Linton Waterhouse, Winford White, Robert Weaver, Jimmy Whitaker, Howard Pratt, Robert Brooks, Roden Davisworth, and Jerry Sprayberry.


For the "Negro" contingent, the leader was James L. Jenkins.  The Scouts were Christopher Morton, Judson Tatum, Herbert Robbs, Willie Gurley, Joe White, James Auston (or Auston James), Allen Rucker, and Wilbur Scruggs.


The white contingent was part of Region V, Section K, Troop 13.  The "Negro" contingent was part of Region V, Section K, Troop 34.


According to the February 3, 1937 Troop 2 Scoutabout Newsletter, James ("Jim") McDowell and Hope Smith, Jr. were selected to attend the Jamboree, with Warren Lankford and John Looper selected as alternates.


Three Chattanooga Sea Scouts (Robert Brooks, Roden Davisworth, and Jerry Sprayberry), all members of Ship 103 Rainbow, attended the 1937 National Scout Jamboree as Sea Scouts.


1937-05-08 - Scheibe Appointed Jamboree Leader

1937-05-10 - Scheibe to Lead Jamboree Troop

1937-05-10 - Negro Scout News Jamboree Deadline May 14

1937-05-28 - Scouts Enter Jamboree Contest

1937-05-28 - Trip to Jamboree is Contest Prize

1937-05-28 - 45 Local Boy Scouts Will Attend National Jamboree

1937-06-07 - Negro Scout News - Eight Scouts Depart for Jamboree

1937-06-25 - Dan Thomas Wins Trip to Jamboree

1937-06-25 - To Cover Jamboree for Times

1937-06-27 - Scouts Depart for Washington Jamboree

1937-06-27 - On to the Jamboree

1937-07-04 - Sea Scout Activity

1937-07-04 - Scouts at Jamboree

1937-07-12 - Scouts Enjoy Big Jamboree in Washington

1937-07-18 - National Jamboree

1937-07-18 - Negro Contingent to 1937 National Jamboree

1937 Jamboree Stationery

1937 Jamboree envelope from Chattanooga camp


Moisson, France


No information.


Valley Forge, Pennsylvania


The Cherokee Area Council was permitted to send 135 boys and leaders to the jamboree.  J. Murphy Stewart was the chairman of the council's jamboree committee.  He, Earl Winger, William Au, Harry H. Wilkerson, Hubert Turner, William A. Enlow (LaFayette, GA), Col. A.L. Bullard (Cleveland), W.L. Swanson (Copperhill), and Jack Frazier (Dayton) were responsible for ensuring the council sent a full contingent.


Bernard Coombes attended.

Carl Barker attended


Bad Ischl & Salzkammergut, Austria


No information.


Irvine Ranch, California


Troops 30 and 31.


70 Chattanooga Scouts attended.


List of known attendees:

R.L. Williams
Dick Swisher
John Guthrie

James Bower
Roger and Donald Queen (brothers of Jim Queen)

Thomas L. Carter, Sr.
J.L. Bailey 

Dalton (unk.)

W.E. Bolen (Ted Bolen)

Don Jones

Jack Hughes (Jack Hudgins?)

Casto Kidwell

James Young

Dr. M.F. Langston

Others identified in photographs.


2020-12-23 - Can You Guess What Year These Boy Scouts Went to California?


Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada


Troop 17


Robert Rodgers attended.


Valley Forge, Pennsylvania


Attendees from Chattanooga:  Joe Robbins, Turner Smith, Marshall Harris, Earnest Wooden, Bob May, Jimmy Robbins, Charles A. Scott III, Bill Donaldson, David Ramsey, David Gray, Lewis Barger, Wayne Anderson, William H. Workman III, Gordon Lee, Richard Casavant, Bill Zachry, John Layson, Quin Voigt Jr., Sammy Gross Jr., Henry Ransom Jr., Robert Thomas, James Long, Tom Chamberlain, Pierce Corden, Bill Williamson, George Overland III, Charles Hansen Jr., David Lyons, Brian Corden, Perry Guess, Gary Sams, Billy Overall, Pete Phillips, Dean Doremus, Phillip Glazner, Marshall Barnes, John Henderson, Eugene Sledge, Bob Connelly, Robert Howell, Butch Quarles, John "J.D." Holmes, Charles Killough III, Ernest Baugh Jr., Henry Jobe, David Gates, Howard Moreland, Neal Grove, Tommy Parson, Jimmy Smith, Roy Dickey, David Alverson, George Frazier.


Attendees from Cleveland:  Joe Jenkins, Harold Cook, Bill Schenck, John Milne III, Rudy Beyer, Ronald Hines, Dennis E. McCurry, Jerry W. Chastain, Larry Sells, Milton Humberd Jr.


Attendees from South Pittsburg: Jimmy Dunwoody, Ronald Collins.


Attendees from Rossville: Connie Askew, James Brown.


Attendees from Dayton: Wayne French Jr., Charles Walters.


Attendees from Jasper:  John Cate, Joe Lamb Jr.


Attendee from Richard City: George Walls.


Attendee from Copperhill:  Rusty Sivils.


The Chattanooga scouts comprised Troops 9 and 10.  Harry Zelinsky was Scoutmaster of Troop 9, with Assistants W.C. McNabb and Father Joel Wiggs.  Victor A. Harris Sr. was Scoutmaster of Troop 10, with Assistants Walter C. Vice and Alfred Pedigo.


1957 Gus Geiger National Scout Jamboree Certificate

1957-07-08 - Cleveland Boy Scout is Delegate to Global Jamboree in England

1957-07-10 - Jamboree Draws Area Boy Scouts


Sutton Park, Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom


David Massengale, John B. Thompson, Jr., Ronald Hines and Walter Keith Crawford, Jr. (Cookeville) attended.


1957-06-28 - Cookeville Boy Scout Will Attend International Meeting in England

1957-07-08 - Cleveland Boy Scout is Delegate to Global Jamboree in England

1957-07-10 - Jamboree Draws Area Boy Scouts

1957-09-06 - Area Boy Scouts Return From UK


Makiling, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines


Gustav T. "Gus" Geiger attended.


1959-12-30 - Gus Geiger 1959 World Jamboree Certificate


Colorado Springs, Colorado


The Cherokee Area Council sent 3 troops to the 1960 National Jamboree. There were 111 scouts in Jamboree Troops # 62, 63 & 64.  The contingent Leader Dr. M.F. Langston.  The assistant contingent leaders were Father Joel Wiggs and H. Donald Smith.  Troop 62 Scoutmaster was Casto K. Kidwell, Assistant Scoutmasters were R. Don Jones and Jerry M. Mallette.  Troop 63 Scoutmaster was Victor A. Harris, Assistant Scoutmasters were C. E. Burke and Frank M. Vinson.  Troop 64 Scoutmaster was John Hawkins, Assistant Scoutmasters were William C. McNabb and W.E. Bolen.

Pierce Corden was on the trading post staff.


In attendance from Chattanooga were:  Lowell Bennington, Chuck Smith, Larry Thurman, Bruce Tripp, Bruce McColl, Don Mullinax, Larry Mullinax, George Orr, Frank Potter, Gilbert Sewell, Steve Shaver, David Allen, David Alverson, Jerry Pearce, Bill Phillips, David Roach, Dale Sams, Robert Semple, Robert Thomas, Bob Wert, Paul Cordon, Alan Glazner, Harold Glazner, John Hamilton, Drew Haskins, John Holmes, Johnny Lackey, Leon Reed, Mike Mallory, Leslie Milligan, Edwin Moore, Emmett Ross, Ernest Simmons, Fred Thurman, George Wallace and Ervin P. Wamack.

From Cleveland:  Walter Austin, Wayne Carmichael, Rodney Carter, Walter Crox, Johnny Farr, Jim Hesser, Ronald Hines, David Humber, Bill Johnson, Bob Johnson, Mac McCoin, Gordon Moore, Keith Parker, Phil Powell, Joe Rymer, Joe Stamper, Sullins Stuart, Joe Taylor, Rufus Tripplett, Dave Brackin, Harold Cook, Stephen Powell, Allen Smith, Jack Milne, Jim Lowe, Donnie Batchelor, Robert Card, Grey Epperson, Max Finkle, David Griffith, David Hamilton, Harry Hickey, Milton Humber, Robert Rymer, Eugene Saffen, David Schenck, Bill Schenck, Larry Sells, Douglas Fuller, and Bobby Lonas.

From Signal Mountain:  John Rickey Drakewell, Teddy Geiger, Kenneth Gross, Sam Gross, Robin Smith, James King, Stephen Tabb, Robert Robbins and James Robbins.

From Lookout Mountain:  Vint Williams, French Frazier, Peter Branton, Harry Groves, George Chamberlain and Tommy Chamberlain.

From Dayton:  David Forsten, Joe Moore, Archie Moore, Frank Mund, William Rodgers, Jamile Shibley, and Charles Swafford.

From Jasper:  Roby Brown, James Cate, Alex Garland, and Johnny Moore.

From LaFayette, Georgia:  Wallace Abney, Henry Derrick, and Howard Derrick.

From Copperhill:  James Bell and Richard Kingman.

From South Pittsburg:  Cleve Smith

From Soddy:  Bob Kite

From Apison:  Johnny Wilson

From Hixson:  John Phillips


1959-07-30 - Area Scouts Enroll for Jamboree in '60

Scout Leaders Meet
Chattanooga's "Souper" Scouts
News From Out West: Jamboree-Bound Scouts Miss Area's Lush Scenery
Lost on Hike: Lack of Water, Rattlesnake, Plague Scout at Jamboree



Marathon, Greece


No information.


Valley Forge, Pennsylvania


Jim Queen attended.

David McDowell attended.

William M. Sisk was ASM

William M. Sisk II was scribe.

Steve Winters attended

Richard Moseley attended.

Jimmy Glass (son of Jim Glass, Jr.) attended.


Troop 74 was the only one of the 1600 assembled at Valley Forge in which each member received the Adventure Award.  The 36-member troop, led by Robert J. Wert and assistant leader Sisk and Lake Forester attended the National Jamboree from July 15 to 24. (source)


Luggage Tag
Mailing Card

1964-08-09 - Letter from Glass regarding 1964 Jamboree

1964-09-05 - Letter from MF Langston to J Glass re 1964 Jamboree


Farragut State Park, Idaho


No information.


Farragut State Park, Idaho


72 boys and 6 leaders attended the National Jamboree at Farragut State Park, Idaho.


Troop 39 was led by Scoutmaster William M. Sisk and Assistant Scoutmasters Edgar W. Godsey and Dr. Charles B. Felts.  The scouts were:  David K. Ballew, James W. Bramlett, Devan E. Brown, Johnny L. Cagle, Steven R. Chandler, William Cummings, Clifford Daniels, Jan Delay, Arby Dickert, William Dobson, Randall M. Eaves, Randy Edgemon, Charles B. Felts III, Thomas Gardner, James Harris, Michael D. Headrick, Bill Hertzing, Hans Humberger, Andrew R. Jones, N. Thomas Kirkpatrick, Leon F. Lane, Steve Lawrie, John O. Lines, Mark E. Mathis, Mike Miller, Rick L. Miller, Dan A. Myers, Don D. Paul, Thomas M. Pendergrass, Bryan T. Phillips, Pat St. Charles, Michael Slay, Clayton A. Stockett, H. Wesley Stowers, David R. Strickland, Alfred E. Walker IV, and Kenneth L. Walton.

Troop 38 was led by Scoutmaster Robert J. Wert and Assistant Scoutmasters B.D Lane Wyse, Jr. and Richard L. Drach.  The scouts were:  Ronald Asberry, Kenneth Beekman, Gregory Brown, Raymond J. Brown, John M. Bryson, Daniel W. Caldwell, Terry A. Chumley, Ronald Daney, Paul A. Daniels, Richard L. Drach, Wayne A. Brown, Jr. (perhaps Wayne A. Drown, Jr.), John T. Feller, Jr., D. Gillette, Randy Green?, Russell Hill, Everett Hixson, Keith Hunt, James J__, Andy B. Jones, David Leitner, Douglas __, Robert McKaig, Willbur Mahoney, Lebron C. M?, Bill H. Nation, John Pruitt, Jeff C. Reimer, ? H. Russell,  William E. ?, Allen Solomo?, Michael Thacker, Robert Vaughn, D. Carlisle V?, William H. Wert, Jer? Wilson, and Jamie Wyse.


Asagiri, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan


Robert "Bob" Wert attended as a leader.


Farragut State Park, Idaho and Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania


Attendees included: Russ Arthur, Scott Moore, Steve Brooks, Joe Selvage, Thom Coombes, Dennis Donovan (ASM), Bernard Coombes (SM), Dennis (Hop) Donovan, Rick Eagle, Gery Donovan, Ray Robinson, and Philip Robinson.


Lillehammer, Norway


Stuart Goza attended(?)


Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania


John Scott, Contingent Leader

ASM:  Harvey Raper

Carolyn Hickerson was on staff


Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia


Russ Aulds, Dan Coombes, Steve Cox, John Dougherty, Mark Gang, Lloyd Hamby, Cameron Hill, Tony Hunnicutt, Peter Iorio, Ralph Jones, Lloyd Lewis, Jeff Ligon, Neal Ligon, Scott May, Brian Miller, Bill Mumpower, Nils Newman, Gregg Owens, Don Page, Kris Parsons, Robby Peters, Greg Pope, James Raley, Jeff Saeger, Paul Smith, Jeff Snell, Martin Summitt, David Taber, Wade Taylor, Jimmy Teas, Dave Terry, Eddie Timm, Darryl Westfall, Ben Womack, Gary Woodall.

Adults: Bernard Coombes, SM; James Miller, ASM; David Miller, ASM; Everette Ingram, ASM


Troop was 478.


Kananaskis County, Alberta, Canada


Bernard Coombes, Greg Pope, Dan Coombes, Craig Depken attended.


Troop 205


Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia


Scoutmaster: Lowell Bennington
ASM 1: James Miller
ASM 2: Jim Bowen
ASM 3: Greg Pope
SPL: Brad Pope
Staff Adviser: Jim Hughson


Servingon the Jamboree staff from the council were: Joe Grow, Bernie Coombes, Carolyn Hickerson, Jim Hughson, Billy Durkin (youth, Aquatics staff), and Mark Douglass (youth, a member of the 155-member Jamboree band).


Cataract Scout Park, Appin, New South Wales, Australia


James Miller, Paul Knapp, Greg Pope were on the International Service Team (staff).

John Buhrman attended as the only youth participant from the council.


Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia


Bernard Coombes attended.


Seoraksan, Kangwon, South Korea


Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia


Jaime Mahoney, Rob Hall, A.J. Powers


Biddinghuizen, Oostelijk Flevoland, Netherlands


Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia


Hacienda Picarquín, Mostazal, Chile


Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia


John Thomas and Tyler Gray served on staff.




Sattahip, Chon Buri, Thailand


Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia


John Thomas served on staff


Hylands Park, Chelmsford, Essex, England, United Kingdom


Kevin Martin (ASM), Samuel Cox, Chris Proctor, Drew Johnson, Barry Lirova, Parker Hilleary, Scott Hilleary (staff)


Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia


Rinkaby, Sweden


Summit Bechtel Scouting Reserve, West Virginia


Kirarahama, Japan


Summit Bechtel Scouting Reserve, West Virginia


Summit Bechtel Scouting Reserve, West Virginia, United States


Summit Bechtel Scouting Reserve, West Virginia

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