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In 1919, as word about Sea Scouting flowed into Chattanooga, interest piqued.  Lieutenant-Commander of Tennessee, W.E. Chandler, helped develop Sea Scouting as early as 1920.  At that time, two U.S. Navy sailors were stationed in Chattanooga, and they helped develop the program and loaned equipment.  The Council expected the navy to donate two submarine chasers, which were useless to the government and lying idle in American harbors.  Each of these submarine chasers could accommodate a crew of thirty, and had berths for twenty-four. At the very least, the government assured the Council use of a gasoline launch, which could accommodate forty boys, and the Council planed to establish a landing port somewhere near Camp Raccoon.  It is not clear whether these offers of support ever came to fruition.

In March 1920, three Sea Scout crews reported for duty on the ship "Neckan" under the leadership of Skipper Van Longstreet.  The Chattanooga News reported that the boys were working on their sloop class examinations which they must pass before they may take crew, as Sea Scouts must be in the schooner class before they are permitted to cruise.




In the '30s, Ship names included S.S.S. Merrimac, S.S.S. Rainbow No. 103 (from Ft. Oglethorpe), S.S.S. Vasco da Gama (Ship 101), S.S.S. Chattanooga, S.S.S. Chesapeake (Ship 104), and S.S.S. Santa Maria 102.  Three Chattanooga Sea Scouts (Robert Brooks, Roden Davisworth, and Jerry Sprayberry), all members of Ship 103 Rainbow, attended the 1937 National Scout Jamboree as Sea Scouts.



In the '40s, ships included the S.S.S. Vasco da Gama (Ship 101) and the Rebel (Ship 103).




It appears that in the '50s the Scouts used at least two boats with names: the Rebel and the Mutiny.




Other boats (in the '60s) anecdotally had the names Vasco de Gama (1936 as well), Aquarius, the Humid, Blue Boat, Scorpion, and Emanon.




In 1972, N.G. Carter started Sea Scout Ship 5154, located at the Coast Guard Depot. Pete Serodino donated a 1949 42' cabin cruiser, "The Seromac," to Troop 108 where Carter was the Scoutmaster.  (The sponsoring church, East Lake Baptist, elected not to pay the added insurance.)  Carter formed a committee to launch a Sea Scout Ship.  Among the committee members were Forrest Cooper and Darrell Silvey.  Permission was given by the Coast Guard to build 100 foot dock at their Depot.  Using donated materials, the members built it by hand.  Thereafter, the boat and the boathouse were moved to the Depot.  Dennis Norwood was elected Chief Boatswains Mate in 1972 and was honored to be a "plank owner."

Ship 5154 procured approximately 24 canoes, a vintage Chris Craft inboard/outboard, and a dozen or so Sunfish sailboats.  The Ship was required to take USCG Power Squadron classes in navigation and other topics.  The Ship took The Seromac out on Lake Chickamauga and up and down the Tennessee River.  Among the members of the Ship were Alan Kimsey, Joe Hulsey, Nolen Carter, Arthur & Acie Poole, and Dennis Norwood.  The Leaders were Tommy Fugatt, Eddie Kirkland, Mike Hill and Lake Jones.


April 8, 1920 - Scouting Magazine
April 11, 1920 - Sea Scouting Planned for Boys of Chattanooga

April 24, 1920 - Sea Scouting Added to Boy Scout Program

May 8, 1920 - Two Sea Scout Crews Formed

May 8, 1920 - Sea Scouting Officially Organized

May 15, 1920 - Sea Scouting Getting On Foot

May 22, 1920 - Sea Scouting Still Growing

Feb. 15, 1921 - Chattanooga Scouts Get U.S. Navy Cutters

Apr. 23, 1922 - Great Interest is Being Taken

Aug. 1, 1926 - Plan Organization of the Sea Scouts

Mar. 21, 1927 - Sea Scout News

Mar. 31, 1927 - Local Sea Scouts Plan for "Cruise"


1931-05-03 - Will Give Demonstration at Memphis


1936 Photo (front and back)

1936-01-07 - Three Local Sea Scouts Will Get Highest Ranking

1936-01-18 - Sea Scouts Win Quartermaster Rank

1936-02-16 - SSS Chesapeake 104

1936-02-16 - SSS Santa Maria 102


1937-05-10 - SSS Vasco da Gama 101 Sea Scout Activity

1937-07-04 - Sea Scout Activity


1940-04-29 - Ship 101 Vasco Da Gama

1940-10-07 - SSS Vasco de Gama No 101


May 7, 1943 - University Echo - mention of Sea Scout Bill Bryant, Ship 103, who relieved University President during Boys Week the prior week.


1944-02-21 - Scouts Chart Course

1944-02-21 - At the Fife Rail

1944-02-21 - SSS Rebel Gives Service Experts

1944-02-21 - SSS Rebel Gives Service Experts - Continued


July 14, 1945 - Gordon W. Lindsay To Hold New Post


1947 Memory of Sea Scouting by Paul Fancher as reported by Chester Martin.

Skull Island Adventure - Scouts to Stage Amphibious 'Camporee' Landing Saturday
Skull Island Landing - 2 Days in Wilderness Enjoyed by Boy Scouts of District II

Sea Scouts Learn to Build a Boat

Local Sea Scout Ship Issues 'SOS' For Help in Outfitting New Recruits
Local Sea Scout Ship Issues 'SOS' For Help in Outfitting New Recruits (Duplicate)
Shoving Off to Regatta
Bob Elmore's Memoir Related to Skull Island and Sea Scouting

Feb. 18, 1949 - University Echo - Alpha Phi Omega News - APO sponsors Sea Scout Ship - S.S.S. Rebel No. 103, The Sea Scouts were on the verge of losing their charter due to lack of an active skipper and the difficulty of locating a permanent meeting place.  Arvin Elmore will serve as skipper.  The past two weeks have been devoted to preparing the Sea Scout island on Chickamauga Lake for a big summer (Skull Island).  Bob Bradshaw, Dewitt Hamilton, Lyman Collie, Leon Long, Dwight Ogle, Bill Pafenbach, Lyle Dowbiggin, Bill Molloy, Carl Cain, Chuck Moulton, Joe Helton, Arvin Elmore, Dean Holland, Mr. Koch, Mr. Bob Walton (Assistant Scout Executive), Mr. Glenn McDonald (Field Executive); Lee Crosby; George Owens; Chick Gilbert; Odie Earl; Frank Williams; Don Carter
Mar. 8, 1949 - University Echo - APO collects surplus Navy uniforms for Sea Scouts.  D.R. Mahan, A.J. Parks, Lyle Dowbiggin, Odie Earl, Benny Gross, Joe  Helton, Bill Molloy, Doyle Parker, R.V. Wells, Alton Byars, Raymond Allen, Tommy Morris, Sam E. Wade, Jr., Johnny Morris
Apr. 29, 1949 - University Echo - Profile on Bob Bradshaw, "Chattanooga Area Sea Scout committee chairman"


June 5, 1954 - University Echo - APO Initiates 3 on Thursday - Bruce Sherwood, Gene Hunt, President Speedy Adcock, Bob Lewis, Ronald Saylor, Bruce Wallace (Assistant Leader of Sea Scout Troop), Don Hilbert, Bob Bradshaw, Winston Massey, Paul Carson, Jimmy Langston, John Crox, Jr.
Oct. 8, 1954 - University Echo - Alpha Phi Omega lists projects, including sponsoring the Sea Scout Ship 103
1954 - Sea Scouts' 'Rebel' Marks 15th Year Here - W.G. Davies, R.J. Bradshaw, R.C. Johnson, R.A. Elmore, Charles Cook, Bruce Wallace, Clay Gupton


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