Lone Scouting, an organization that permits boys to join Scouting even if they cannot regularly make meetings, developed in 1915 as a brainchild of W.D. Boyce. Perhaps because Scoutmaster recruitment was difficult, Lone Scouting sprouted in Chattanooga as early as July 1917. Although Lone Scouting was not incorporated as an official program of the Boy Scouts of America until 1924, at least one Lone Scout in Chattanooga was helping with the war effort. Lone Scout James Brockman, who lived at 710 Georgia Avenue in Chattanooga, authored a short column in Lone Scout magazine on July 14, 1917:
Now is the time everybody can do his bit for his country. I am doing by bit by having a garden. I made my garden so we might have plenty of food. Every Lone Scout should have a garden. Have plenty of food so as to put down high prices. Some Lone Scouts are not old enough to help the country by joining the Navy or Army. But they can other ways. I am making a garden because I think it will help as I am not old enough to join the Army or Navy. But I am old enough to join the garden makers. In my garden I aim to help my country by tending to it, and having plenty to eat.
Another Lone Scout, Cooper Dyer of 415 Chestnut Street, wrote to Lone Scout magazine with an accompanying picture:
I am sending you a picture of the incline up Lookout Mountain. I took the picture myself. This railroad is the steepest in the world. It took about two and a half years to build it. This picture shows only half of the incline. The little house at the right is the half-way station, half-way from the top of the mountain. From the top of this mountain you can see seven States. There is a million-dollar museum there which is very interesting.
Lone Scouts existed in Chattanooga until at least 1932.
1917-07-14 - Doing My Bit
1925-12-02 - Lone Scout Tribe Silver Fox Formed
1925-12-02 - Lone Scout Meeting
1925-12-10 - Silver Fox Tribe Elects Big Chiefs
1925-12-10 - Lone Scouts Elect
1925-12-17 - Silver Fox Tribe Plan Christmas Tree
1925-12-17 - Lone Scouts Meeting
1926-01-10 - Silver Fox Tribe Meets
1926-06-19 - Silver Fox Tribe Go on Hike Today
1926-06-28 - Lone Scout Rally to be Held Next Month
1926-07-22 - Lone Scout Rally at Camp Tsatanugi
1926-07-23 - Lone Scout Rally Held Next Month
1926-08-19 - First Annual Rally of the Lone Scouts
1926-08-20 - Lone Scout Rally Opens Tomorrow
1926-08-31 - Lone Scout Rally was Great Success
1926-09-08 - Tennessee Lone Scout Rally as Reciewed by the Council Chief
1926-09-23 - Lone Scout News - Tellico Plains
1932-04-03 - Lone Scouts