Hugh Huffaker
Hugh D. Huffaker was a member of the original committee in 1914 that formed the Chattanooga Council, BSA. He was also on the troop committee for the first regularly recognized troop in the city, which chartered on January 2, 1915 at the First Baptist Church. Huffaker served on the first Court of Honor, and in 1915, during the infancy of the program in Chattanooga, Huffaker reported:
"My life having been spent largely in educational work, I am naturally interested in any movement which is for the improvement of conditions affecting the physical and moral environment of the boy. I have watched with interest the Boy Scout movement and its influence on the habits and lives of boys and do not hesitate to give the movement my unqualified [e]ndorsement."
Huffaker received the Silver Beaver award in 1944. Professionally, he was a doctor and served as Commissioner of Health and Education.
1961-11-27 - HD Huffaker Biography