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Champe S. Andrews


Champe Seabury Andrews was elected President of the Chattanooga Council on June 14, 1918.  He was the first person to serve in this role.

In January 1919, Andrews oversaw the work of the "Training School for Boy Scout officials."  Andrews was appointed teacher and was in charge of the work at the initial meeting.  The training school lasted five weeks, meeting Fridays at 12:15 p.m.  Much interest was shown in this new phase of the local Boy Scout work.  By early January, twenty-four business men pledged to take the course and several others were expected.  At the first meeting, Andrews outlined the platform of the national organization and explained the work of the local council, troops, and individual scouts.  He then began a course that covered theoretically outlined work for Scouts, beginning with the tenderfoot work, and working through the second class, first class, life scout, star scout and Eagle Scout.

In March 1919, Andrews transitioned to become Scout Commissioner, with Richard Hardy named Council President.  Andrews reported at the semiannual meeting of the council on March 21, 1919 that the search committee for a new Scout camp had selected the tract of land that would become Camp Raccoon.  During the summer of 1919, Andrews attended one day of each week of camp to teach different phases of Scouting.

Chief Scout Executive James E. West arrived in Chattanooga on September 24, 1919 to attend the Scout Executives Conference at Camp Raccoon.  On September 26, 1919, Andrews arranged for a sight-seeing trip of Chattanooga for the guests at Raccoon Mountain.

In March 1920, Andrews was again elected Scout Commissioner.

Andrews was an attorney and successful businessman.  He was president of the Cotton States Hosiery Mills in Chattanooga, Vice President of O.B. Andrews Co. and O.B. Andrews Paper Mill Co.  He was a popular public speaker, in 1920 giving more than 100 speeches on business topics.

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Andrews was born May 13, 1875 in Yazoo City, Mississippi.

In 1909, Andrews married Henrietta Josephine Korber of Puerto Rico (b. approx. 1892).  At that time, he was an attorney for the New York County Medical Society and was a former assemblyman.

In the 1910 census, Andrews was listed as a guest at the St. George Hotel in Brooklyn, New York.  His occupation is listed as "President" in the industry "Importing Hosiery."

In 1920, Andrews lived in Chattanooga.

In 1930, Andrews lived in New Haven, Connecticut.

Andrews died in February 1936 and is buried in Chattanooga.

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